Benefits compared to other sensing technologies
Immunity to electromagnetic, electrostatic or radio frequency sources; 100% intrinsically safe
Applicable in harsh environments with extreme temperature stability
Multiplexing allows thousands of sensors in one fiber with one interrogation system
Small size and lightweight for easy integration in structures and materials to monitor internal strain and temperature
Benefits compared to conventional Fiber Bragg Gratings
Type II gratings survive temperatures of up to 1,000°C, compared to UV-inscribed FBGs which fade-out at approx. 250°C
Highly cost efficient multipoint/sensor array production
Significantly higher tensile strength compared to strip and recoat technology
Low polarization (0-5pm) for high resolution measurements compared to draw tower gratings and very low scattering losses (< 0,2dB)
Significantly higher reflectivity and lower fiber cost compared to draw tower technology
Highest spatial resolution due to dense sensor spacing (minimum FBG distance 2mm)
Direct writing process into customer specific fibers possible
Industry leading specification variety
Benefits of our worldwide leading manufacturing process
Highest specification variety with a comprehensive portfolio of product specifications, the realization of customer individual requirements and the direct writing process into customer specific fibers
Highest production capacity based on a large volume production process with multiple-shift and night operation and industry leading degree of automation
Highest efficiency due to a customized production setup with high degree of automation and large scale production and significantly higher cost efficiency compared to strip and recoat gratings
Highest quality with inline quality control, reporting and documentation, inline strain tests and industry leading delivery lead times